Colorado EnviroScreen is CO’s new, interactive environmental justice (EJ) mapping tool under development by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) and a team from Colorado State University. Community input has been central to the creation of EnviroScreen, and until May 1, the public can beta test the new tool and fill out the beta questionnaire.
According to CDPHE, Colorado EnviroScreen will enable users to identify disproportionately impacted communities based on the definition in Colorado’s Environmental Justice Act in order to maximize funding and resources for efforts to avoid, reduce, and repair environmental harms. For example, the Environmental Justice Advisory Board at CDPHE will use EnviroScreen to determine where to distribute EJ grants created by the new law. In addition, CDPHE and the U.S. EPA’s Memorandum of Understanding will prioritize enforcement and compliance in disproportionately impacted communities identified through tools like EnviroScreen.
The EnviroScreen team is hosting a virtual community meeting on April 25 at 6-7:30 p.m. Mountain Time. If your state would like to tune in, register here.