This solid waste program requires residents to pay a per-unit fee for the disposal of the solid waste that they generate. MassDEP has found that this program is the most effective mechanism for encouraging waste reduction at the municipal level.
How was the Project Started?
When was the Project Started?
When was the Project Completed, or is it Ongoing?
What are the Results to Date?
In 2020, the average amount of trash generated in PAYT municipalities was 1,239 pounds per household. This is 517 pounds, or about 29% less than the 1,756 pounds per household generated in municipalities without PAYT programs. Also, in each of these municipalities, solid waste tonnage is reduced by 25-50% through a combination of increased recycling, diversion to reuse, repair, donation, composting, and other methods of disposal.
What are the Resources Needed, including Time, Cost, Etc.?