Today, Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) issued an RFP for assistance in evaluating and redesigning agency administrative processes and performance improvement. The RFP supports an initiative to streamline and expedite permitting, licensing, and administrative processes, including management and storage of data throughout the Department and is a significant next step in DNREC’s efforts to develop greater business efficiencies.
DNREC began its transition to electronic storage of documents and data in 1997 and has scanned and stored about 10 million pages. DNREC, with assistance of the regulated community, has also previously reviewed a number of its permitting programs to improve timeliness in responding. That effort resulted in reducing air permitting turnaround times by 50 percent and cutting brownfield remediation process times by 45 percent. DNREC seeks to continue to make progress on a larger series of related projects, including updating public-facing and internal e-Government information technology applications, revitalizing DNREC’s websites, and modernizing databases and information technology tools.
For more information, please contact Bob Zimmerman, [Graves]