The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) announced this week a Beach Outfalls Challenge, aimed at addressing the water quality impact of beach outfalls along the Mississippi Sound, by soliciting design ideas and solutions from the public.
Under the challenge, which kicks off in January, individuals, students, companies, and teams can compete to create innovative solutions for untreated stormwater and improve water quality. Outfalls are the discharge points of a waste stream into a body of water, and it is expected that the designs will be implemented on a larger scale across the Mississippi Coast. The top twelve finalists will be announced in May and voted on in subsequent weeks.
The Beach Outfalls Challenge is a project funded by a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund grant to MDEQ to improve natural resources following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
If your state is interested in implementing such a program, visit the Beach Outfalls Challenge Website.