Rachel Matney is the ECOS Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment, on loan from the U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD). Rachel joined EPA in 2016, working as a Program Analyst supporting two of ORD’s National Research Programs (Chemical Safety for Sustainability, and Safe and Sustainable Water Resources). Rachel moved up to ORD’s front office in 2018, serving in various Special Assistant roles for ORD’s senior leadership. In 2021, Rachel completed a short-term assignment with EPA’s Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) where she contributed to EPA’s involvement in international engagements such as the G20 Water Ministerial Meeting and the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5). Most recently, Rachel served as the Special Assistant to ORD’s Chief of Staff, and this past summer was the lead agency coordinator for EPA’s Feds Feed Families campaign, an annual government-wide initiative encouraging support for local food banks. Rachel holds an undergraduate degree in International Relations from the University of Lynchburg, and a Master’s degree in Global Environmental Policy from American University.
Contact Information
- Email: rmatney@ecos.org
- Phone: 202-915-1044