This week, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) received the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award for reclamation work at Hanna Elementary School and the adjacent high school football field…
Archives for October 2022
Texas Launches New Process to Engage Public under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has kicked off a new process to engage Texans in public participation to meet Title VI requirements of the Civil Rights Act. Title…
Arizona to Test Every Public Water System for PFAS
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has announced an agreement with the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA) to direct $3M of Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) to…
States Celebrate 50 Years of Clean Water Progress
State environmental agencies are bristling with excitement this week over the 50th anniversary of the landmark Clean Water Act (CWA). Read on for a sampling of activities undertaken by Governors…
Delaware Aims to Promote Stewardship through Watersheds Photo Contest
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) is promoting public appreciation and stewardship of nature through the Delaware Watersheds Photo Contest. The agency invites photos of any…
Texas Expands Lead Testing in Schools and Childcare Facilities with New Online Portal
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is expanding its free statewide Lead Testing in School and Child Care program with a new self-guided and self-paced portal to help eligible…
DC Signs Cool Food Pledge to Uses its Purchasing Power in Fighting Climate Change
Last week, the District of Columbia joined the Cool Food Pledge with a commitment to cut District government food and beverage-related greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030. The District’s participation…
Colorado and U.S. EPA Seek Feedback on Draft Work Plan on EJ & Enforcement
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and U.S. EPA seek public feedback by November 22 on a draft work plan to implement a March memorandum of understanding (MOU)…