Outlines the goals and deliverables intended by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology, a Congress-directed Interagency Working Group.
DOD Memo on Prioritizing Cleanup Actions to Implement MCLs
Describes DOD’s plans to incorporate the federal drinking water rule into the agency’s ongoing PFAS cleanups and prioritize actions to address private drinking water wells with the highest levels of…
Revised Toxicokinetic Model of Bioaccumulative PFAS
Presents an updated method, of which a handful of states base their PFAS standards off of, to determine how PFAS accumulates in human bodies from birth through childhood.
EPA Best Management Practices for Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge
Outlines wastewater treatment lagoon requirements for land application under 40 C.F.R. Part 503.
DOD Memo on Interim Guidance on Destruction or Disposal of Materials Containing PFAS
Outlines the agency’s guidance for PFAS destruction and disposal in compliance with the FY22 NDAA.
Minnesota PFAS Monitoring Plan
Provides early results and follow-up actions based on monitoring for PFAS at permitted solidwaste, hazardous waste, wastewater, and stormwater facilities, and facilities with airemissions permits, as well as information on…
EPA Memo to States on Addressing PFAS Discharges in NPDES Permits
Encourages states to use NPDES authorities to address PFAS pollution via monitoring and best management practices. Follows up an April 2022 memo to EPA regions on addressing discharges in EPA-issued…
Great Lakes Consortium for Fish Consumption Advisories’ Best Practice for PFOS Guidelines
Recommendations on PFOS consumption advisory levels from a collaboration of fish advisory program managers in eight states and Canada, based on the 2016 EPA Drinking Water Health Advisory.
UPenn Water Center Report on PFAS/PFOA Health Communications
Outlines results from a brief survey and analysis by UPenn’s The Water Center on generally available PFAS/PFOA health literature and corresponding outreach communications.
Interim Guidance on Destroying and Disposing of Certain PFAS and PFAS-Containing Materials that are not Consumer Products
Identifies available, effective methods to remediate, dispose of, and destroy PFAS; Updates 2020 guidance, open to 180 day public comment.