Provides direction about how the agency will exercise enforcement discretion under CERCLA in matters involving PFAS.
Michigan Evaluation of PFAS in Influent, Effluent, and Residuals of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Provides information on the state’s Industrial Pretreatment Program and its assessment of PFAS at 42 WWTPs.
Michigan Study on Targeted and Nontargeted Analysis of PFAS in Fume Suppressant Products at Chrome Plating Facilities
Details the state’s findings from sampling at chrome plating facilities, as a result of finding high levels of PFOS in chrome plating wastewater, to determine if PFOS-free fume suppressants were…
Michigan Industrial Pretreatment Program PFAS Initiative
Reports on idetnfiied industrial sources of PFOS to municipal wastewater treatment plants in the state.
Minnesota PFAS Inventory Analyses
A series of analysis documents citing information about PFAS use, environemntal release pathways, and source reduction strategies in different industries including metal plating and finishing, and textile and leather.
Washington PFAS Chemical Action Plan
Recommends actions to address PFAS in the enviornment and resulting human impacts.
ASDWA PFAS – Source Water Protection Guide and Toolkit
Shares effective strategies for addressing PFAS contamination risk in source waters that will help inform policy decisions, assist state drinking water programs in protecting public health, and encourage collaboration and…
Maine Evaluation of Biosolids Management in Maine and Recommendations for the Future
This report looks at current and future issues impacting biosolids in Maine.
U.S. EPA Amended BABA Public Interest Waiver
Amended Public Interest Waiver of Section 70914(a) of P.L. 117-58, Build America, BuyAmerica Act, 2021 for State Revolving Fund and Water Infrastructure Projects thatInitiated Design Planning prior to May 14,…
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Report on Current PFAS Research
This report summarizes the current research on PFAS, including potential safer alternatives, removal and disposal strategies, and current gaps in research.