This guidance is intended for people and companies that are responsible for investigating and cleaning up PFAS contamination.
EPA Framework for Addressing New PFAS and New Uses of PFAS
National Governor Association’s Letter to OMB on BIL Requirements
This letter describes state priorities to consider in allocating and implementing BIL funds. Outlined priorities relate to EPA guidance and requirements as well as funding distribution and flexibility.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants FAQs, September 2022
This document provides information related to stakeholder needs for addressing emerging contaminants under BIL CWSRF funding, including questions and answers on identifying eligible uses and projects.
U.S. DOE Clean Energy Infrastructure Fact Sheet
This factsheet provides information related to Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal funding for DOE and its investment goals for American manufacturing and workers, including a breakdown of allocations to various programs.
Bureau of Reclamation BIL Spending Plan Rural Water Addendum
This addendum provides project-specific allocations for the Rural Water projects construction program for FFY 2022 BIL funding in Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota.
U.S. DOT BABAA 180-Day Waiver for Construction Material
This document provides notice of a temporary public interest waiver for construction materials to prepare for compliance with the new Made in America standards for construction materials. This waiver was applicable between May and November 2022.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Comments to Federal Highway Administration on IIJA Policy
Association of Clean Water Administrators’ Letter to U.S. EPA on BIL Implementation Recommendations
This letter offers recommendations for BIL implementation including flexibility for states as well as clearer EPA guidance on metrics, environmental justice, BABA requirements, and coordination between funding programs.
Association of Clean Water Administrators BIL SRF Questions and Answers
This Q&A answers questions about technical assistance, additional subsidization, eligibility, equivalency, grants management, LSLR, and other relevant topics.