This document defines what disadvantaged communities (DAC) are and lists their indicators, evaluating the strengths and limitations of these indicators. It also provides information on uses of DAC additional subsidy in FFY 2021 and considerations for states seeking to improve assistance to DACs.
National Estuary Program BIL Implementation Memo
This memo describes BIL’s partnership with NEP in implementing $132 million in funding for FFY 2022-2026 as well as project priorities and guidance.
U.S. EPA 2022 Clean School Bus Rebates Program Guide
This document details the eligibility criteria and requirements for EPA’s 2022 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebates which provides subsidies for the replacement of existing school buses with clean and zero-emission (ZE) school buses as well as eligible infrastructure.
U.S. EPA Proposed Public Interest Adjustment Period Waiver for the 2022 Clean School Bus Rebate Program; 2022 DERA State Grants; and 2022 DERA Tribal and Insular Area Request for Applications
This draft for public comment seeks comments on a proposed waiver concerning the application of Buy America, Build America Act (BABAA) based on public interest adjustment period waiver for 2022 Clean School Bus Rebate Program; 2022 DERA State Grants; and 2022 DERA Tribal and Insular Area Request for Applications.
U.S. EPA Letter on Use of DWSRF for Dam or Reservoir Rehab
This document includes two memoranda–both requesting and approving the request for a class exemption from the DWSRF. It also includes a policy and technical evaluation by EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, detailing why states may need a DWSRF class deviation, as well as criteria, and state examples.
U.S. EPA Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory
This document provides information related to inventory requirements and planning, historical records review rule requirements, service line inspection methods, recommendations for developing the inventory, and public accessibility requirements.
ASTSWMO Guidance for Developing a State Contaminants of Emerging Concern Program
This document provides examples, best practices, and recommendations that states may want to consider when developing a State CEC program.
EPA Legal Tools to Advance Environmental Justice: Cumulative Impacts Addendum
This Addendum builds on the discussion of cumulative impacts in EJ Legal Tools, providing further detail and analysis on the Agency’s legal authority to address cumulative impacts affecting communities with…
ATSDR PFAS Exposure Assessment Technical Tools
Aims to help state, local, tribal, and territorial health departments conduct PFAS biomonitoring activities, with the assumption that drinking water is the primary source of PFAS exposure. To request a copy of the PEATT please send a request to