This website provides an interactive map that illustrates the impact of public and private investment across states and territories under the Biden Administration and is intended to be illustrative of the scope of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the impact it has in American communities.
Federal Agency Website
BIL State Fact Sheets
This webpage links to state-by-state fact sheets related to BIL which provide more detailed information about announced funding and projects in each state, along with anticipated funding by category over the next 5 years.
U.S. EPA Announces Largest Ever Brownfields Investment
This press release announces more than $315 million to expedite the assessment and cleanup of brownfield sites across the country. Funding will be provided through the Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant Program, Non-competitive Supplemental Funding Through the Existing Revolving Loan Fund Grant Program, and Brownfields Technical Assistance Providers and Research Grants.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce NOAA BIL and IRA Awards
This webpage provides project descriptions, eligibility requirements, and other applicant information for funding through the National Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, and National Coastal Resilience Fund.
Inflation Reduction Act Environmental and Climate Justice Program
This webpage lists upcoming webinars and other engagement opportunities related to IRA and the Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grant Program.
U.S. EPA Community Grants
This webpage offers resources for community water infrastructure grant recipients such as implementation guidance, lists of projects, and training recordings and webinars.
U.S. EPA Clean Ports Program
This program funds zero-emission port equipment and technology and helps ports develop climate action plans to reduce air pollutants at U.S. ports. The webpage describes eligible funding recipients and uses and information on public engagement.
U.S. DOE Clean Energy Infrastructure Website
This webpage provides resources related to news, funding opportunities, demonstration and deployment, Community Benefits Plans, and upcoming events.
Bureau of Reclamation BIL Investments Website
This webpage explains their role in implementing the $8.3 billion investment in water infrastructure and $2.5 billion for authorized water rights settlement projects included in BIL, and information on BIL funding distribution and timing, spend plans and announcements.
Bureau of Reclamation BIL Spend Plan
This webpage provides access to BIL spend plans for FFY 2022-2024, aging infrastructure reports, and transmittal letters from Congressional representatives.