DOD aims to address its releases of PFAS on and surrounding military installations and to protect the health of its personnel, their families, and the communities served.
Federal Agency Website
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on PFAS
DOE, led by the Office of Envionmental, Health, Safety, and Security, works to assess and understand PFAS presence at DOE sites, and to take actions to mitigate risk.
PFAS information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health and ATSDR assist local, territorial, tribal, state, and federal partners address PFAS public health concerns. ATSDR and its state health partners are actively investigating exposure to and possible health effects associated with PFAS in more than 30 communities across the U.S.
External Civil Rights
Through its Office of External Civil Rights Compliance, the EPA enforces several federal civil rights laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which together, prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited-English proficiency), disability, sex and age, including intimidation and retaliation, by applicants for and recipients of financial assistance from EPA.
Environmental Justice Training for States
Information to ensure that recipients of EPA financial assistance comply with the relevant non-discrimination requirements under federal law to ensure EPA’s prompt, effective, and efficient resolution of civil rights complaints.
Programs and Projects of the Office of General Counsel (OGC)
The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is the chief legal advisor and counselor to EPA, the federal agency with primary responsibility for implementing the nation’s environmental laws.
U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Webpage
This U.S EPA website provides EJ policy, information resources, compliance and enforcement data tools and community outreach activities. Additional topics are grants and program info documents, federal advisory committee and interagency working group activities.
U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights
The Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR) supports the agency’s mission by providing leadership on EPA’s environmental justice and external civil rights priorities.