This program funds zero-emission port equipment and technology and helps ports develop climate action plans to reduce air pollutants at U.S. ports. The webpage describes eligible funding recipients and uses and information on public engagement.
Funding Information
RAISE Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity
This document announces the FY 2023 grant program which funds surface transportation infrastructure projects and describes information relevant to the application process. Grant application period for FY 2023 closed on February 28.
FEMA – Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM)
This program provides capitalization grants for states to establish revolving loan funds for hazard mitigation assistance. The webpage details eligibility, how to apply, allowable uses, and resources for engagement and technical assistance. Grant Application period for FY 2023 ends April 28.
BIL: Transforming U.S. Recycling and Waste Management
This webpage provides information about funding opportunities including the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant and Recycling Education and Outreach Grant, and how to prepare grant applications.
U.S. EPA’s Financial Assistance Infrastructure Programs Subject to the Build America, Buy America Act
This webpage provides guidance for how to interpret the BABAA report spreadsheet and where specific information can be found within the report.
U.S. EPA General Terms and Conditions, including coverage effective May 14, 2022 on BABAA requirements
This document details BABAA financial information, selected items of cost, reporting and post-award requirements, public policy requirements, and programmatic terms and conditions.
U.S. EPA Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring for Communities Application
This webpage provides information on EPA funding available through their Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards (OAQPS) for ambient air monitoring of pollutants in communities with environmental and health outcome disparities. This application closed in March 2022.
BIL: A Historic Investment in Brownfields
This webpage explains the goals of BIL funded brownfield programs and what investments programs include.
U.S. EPA to Award $10.5 Million to Address Contaminated Sites in New York
This news release announces $254.5 million in Brownfields Grants to 265 communities, including 12 grants totaling $10.5 million across New York State, supported by BIL.
U.S. EPA Funding for Lead Service Line Replacement
This webpage describes federal and non-federal funding sources available to assist states and water utilities with water infrastructure upgrades, including the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), and other lead in drinking water funding.