Presents recorded webinars on a number of PFAS topics such as historical uses, forensics, sources, risk communication, wastewater treatment, thermal treatment technologies, federal regulations, PFAS in ski wax, agricultural impacts,…
2023 ECOS-EPA Title VI Workshop #2: Exploring Pre-Award Reviews and Post-Award Audits
U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights provides an overview of the pre-award EPA Form 4700-4 review process, including applicant certification and the new “four-corners” or “on its face” review process, and provides tips for form completion. OEJECR discusses post-award auditing processes, including recipient selection, requests for information (RFIs), and resolutions.
2023 ECOS-EPA Title VI Workshop #1: Overview of the Title VI Complaint and Compliance Review Processes
U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights explores agency processes for complaints, including acknowledgment of receipt, evaluation, jurisdictional determination, and acceptance for investigation. OEJECR also demystifies compliance reviews, discussing their initiation, notice of reviews, and resolution paths.
2022 ECOS-EPA Title VI Workshop #3: Ensuring Compliance with Anti-Discrimination Requirements—Application to Permitting and Other Issues
U.S. EPA’s External Civil Rights Compliance Office (ECRCO) discusses identifying discrimination under the Civil Rights Laws, existing case law, and the relationship between “adverse impacts” and environmental health standards, among other areas. ECRCO also summarizes its own case handling and resolution processes and presents best practices for permitting and screening.
2022 ECOS-EPA Title VI Workshop #2: Civil Rights Procedural Requirements and Best Practices
U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights addresses the procedural requirements that recipients must adhere to in developing and maintaining their civil rights programs and outlines the procedural safeguards and promising practices for building strong and effective civil rights programs. Topics discussed include pre-award review, grievance procedures, data collection, and meaningful access and public involvement.
2022 ECOS-EPA Title VI Workshop #1: Title VI 101
U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights discusses Title VI of the Civil Rights Act’s scope and history, legal requirements and regulations, and other aspects relevant to state environmental agency programs and procedures.