Reports national estimates of PFAS occurrence in untreated groundwater that supplies water to public and private wells (e.g., drinking water sources) to help the public, water suppiers, and regulators understand…
PFAS in U.S. Groundwater Interactive Dashboard
Displays information for pulblic or domestic groundwater and the probability of PFAS occurrence.
Missouri PFAS Viewer
Identifies the geographic location of voluntary sampling for PFAS in public drinking water systems in Missouri.
California GeoTracker PFAS Map
Interactive map of sampling points, drinking water well data, and other locations of PFAS sampling and investigative orders.
EPA PFAS Analytic Tools
Compilation of that can be used to evaluate what is known about PFAS manufacture, release, and occurrence in communities.
ASDWA PFAS – Source Water Protection Guide and Toolkit
Shares effective strategies for addressing PFAS contamination risk in source waters that will help inform policy decisions, assist state drinking water programs in protecting public health, and encourage collaboration and…
White House Investing in America Map
This website provides an interactive map that illustrates the impact of public and private investment across states and territories under the Biden Administration and is intended to be illustrative of the scope of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the impact it has in American communities.
PFAS Governance Tracker
Contains over 900 state, federal, and Congressional actions on PFAS dating back to 1999.
Brookings Institute’s BIL Tool
This webpage describes federal and non-federal funding sources available to assist states and water utilities with water infrastructure upgrades, including the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), and other lead in drinking water funding.
BIL Guidebook Dataset
This spreadsheet provides details on funding available through BIL, including programs, agency oversight, funding amounts, mechanisms and periods of availability, and eligible recipients and program milestones for FFY 2022-2023.