This document outlines AML grant eligibility, NEPA compliance, project authorization and prioritization, performance measures, and a list of standard subaccounts among other information. It also includes a sample template for states to use when submitting an application.
U.S. EPA Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory Template
This document provides guidance for complying with Lead and Copper Rule Revisions requirements. This guidance can also assist public water systems with financing applications for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funds and for implementation once funding is received.
ECOS PFAS Monitoring Spreadsheet
Many states monitor for more PFAS than are actually regulated. This spreadsheet notates this data for participating states.
HHS’ Environmental Justice Index
A tool to help public health officials identify areas most at risk of environmental health problems. It was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and HHS’s Office of Environmental Justice.
EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
In order to better meet the Agency’s (U.S. EPA) responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA has developed an EJ mapping and screening tool called EJScreen. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. EJScreen provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic socioeconomic indicators.