This plan outlines the Maryland Department of the Environment’s recommendations to the Governor on improved ways of monitoring waste diversion, goals for improved sustainable materials management, and a method of…
Washington Center for Sustainable Food Management
The project aims to educate the public about food waste prevention and reduction, with the ultimate goal of cutting down on food waste. The center provides information to advance equity,…
Wasted Food Minimization and Related Activities: A Toolkit for Maryland Schools
This toolkit is a summary of tools to assist schools in reducing, donating, and recycling surplus food to avoid waste, provide an avenue for connecting food to people, and promote…
Mulch Processing Guidance
This document serves as guidance for mulch processing facilities. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulates the production and storage of mulch in order to reduce environmental impacts…
Materials Management Program – Bad Apple Campaign
Oregon’s Materials Management Program highlights numerous methods of material management. One project of emphasis is the Bad Apple Campaign, which inspires households to reduce the amount of food they throw…
California’s Organic Materials Management
This program advocates for better food waste management. Linked on the program’s page are a wide range of subtopics from food waste prevention to compost and mulch to even innovative…
Vermont’s Product Stewardship Program
This project highlights Vermont special recycling programs for certain items that can be recycled, but NOT in the blue bin. These include batteries, electronics, paint, fluorescent lightbulbs, and mercury thermostats.…
Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT)/Save-Money-And-Reduce-Trash (SMART)
This solid waste program requires residents to pay a per-unit fee for the disposal of the solid waste that they generate. MassDEP has found that this program is the most…
Use the Food NC
This campaign provides waste reduction tips to household consumers, local governments, and businesses. Various resources such as the NC Food Donation, Compost Resource Map, and other outreach materials are available.
Take Charge! Be Battery Smart
South Carolina’s Take Charge! Be Battery Smart outreach campaign raises awareness of both safety concerns and recycling opportunities for batteries that are available and growing in number. The campaign solely…