As of this summer, Colorado facilities submitting for new or modified air permits must submit an Environmental Justice Summary (EJ Summary) prior to submitting applications. To assist applicants, the Colorado…
ECOS Compliance Committee and Environmental Justice Workgroup on SEPs and EJ at Federal Agencies and in Colorado
ECOS Compliance Committee and EJ Workgroup, Colorado DPHE, Oklahoma DEQ, and legal experts from Harvard Law School and NYU’s School of Law discuss SEPs at the state level.
State Innovation Video 2023: Colorado EnviroScreen Tool
Colorado Becomes One of First States to Mandate GHG Cuts at Existing Buildings
Last week, Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission established new energy performance standards for large buildings, reportedly making Colorado one of only a few states to mandate emission cuts at existing…
Colorado Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Information
Colorado Adopts First-of-its-Kind Measures to Verify Oil & Gas GHG Emissions
On July 20, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Air Pollution Control Division announced passage of a groundbreaking greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity verification rule. Approved unanimously by the…
New Colorado Rule Addresses Air Pollution in Disproportionately Impacted Communities
Last week, the Air Quality Commission of the Colorado Department of Health and Environment adopted a new rule that enhances modeling and monitoring requirements for new or modified air pollution…
Colorado and Region 8 Partner in EJ & Enforcement Workplan
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) and U.S. EPA Region 8 have released a final workplan to implement a 2022 Memorandum of Understanding on Advancing Environmental Justice…
Colorado and U.S. EPA Seek Feedback on Draft Work Plan on EJ & Enforcement
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and U.S. EPA seek public feedback by November 22 on a draft work plan to implement a March memorandum of understanding (MOU)…