In a YouTube video on its 2018 environmental accomplishments, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality highlights EPA approval of its proposal to administer the National Discharge Elimination System program. Idaho…
Idaho and Utah Partner on Process Improvement under ECOS BPI Mentoring Program
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) last week welcomed Utah Department of Environmental Quality Deputy Director Scott Baird to speak with staff about process improvement efforts underway in Utah.…
Idaho Receives U.S. EPA Approval for NPDES Program Primacy
This week, Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced that the state has received U.S. EPA approval to administer the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) program. Idaho DEQ began its…
Idaho DEQ Seeks Comment on Draft Volkswagen Settlement Beneficiary Mitigation Plan
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comments by April 2 on its draft Volkswagen settlement beneficiary mitigation plan as required to apply for funds. Idaho’s approach under…
Idaho’s Dixie Drain Project
River, it flows through the urbanized area of Ada County and then through Canyon County, which is primarily made up of heavily irrigated farmland. Water quality in the river degrades…
Idaho Conference Explores Real-World Groundwater Solutions
In Boise this week, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) co-sponsored the 2017 Groundwater Foundation National Conference. The conference showcased real- world solutions to groundwater management. With the meeting held…
ECOS Member Agencies Mark National Septic Smart Week and Estuaries Week
This week also has been designated National Septic Smart Week and Estuaries Week. A sampling of state activities to mark these initiatives follows. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality shared…
ECOS 2017 State Innovation Award Winners Video
This video highlights the winners of the 2017 Innovation Awards, presented at ECOS’ Fall Meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. See ECOS’ Press Statement announcing the winners here.
Idaho Launches Updated Air Quality Webpage
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) recently launched a new air quality reports and forecasts webpage that provides Idaho residents an easy and mobile-friendly way to access daily air forecasts.…
Idaho Seeks U.S. EPA Approval to Administer NPDES Program
Idaho Governor Butch Otter has applied to U.S. EPA Region 10 for approval for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) to administer the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES)…