In recent years, states have established the use of drones within various environmental programs to boost emergency preparedness and response, water monitoring (harmful algal blooms, E. coli, Cyanobacteria, bathymetric, &…
Michigan Takes Steps to Advance Climate Justice and Equitable Access to Services
Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has announced new efforts to promote more just and equitable environmental protection. On February 1, the agency named a panel of…
Michigan Updates PFAS Cleanup Standards
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy (EGLE) announced in December that it has updated its cleanup criteria for groundwater used as drinking water to include five new…
North Carolina Awarded for Environmental Mapping with Drones
Last month, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) won the 2020 National Association of State Chief Information Officers Award for Business Process Innovations for their work on environmental…
Michigan Sees Promising PFAS Reduction in Huron River
New monitoring data from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy show a steep decline in PFAS levels in the Huron River watershed. The reduced contamination appears to…
New Mexico, Michigan, and South Carolina among Recipients of U.S. EPA EJ Grants
U.S. EPA has selected 28 organizations to receive $4.1 million in new environmental justice grants to support the nationwide effort on COVID-19 and community-based efforts to develop and implement solutions…
Virginia Offers Helpful Tips for #SepticSmart Week
Last week, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ) provided informative tips for septic system owners via its Twitter account and other outlets. This was part of the sixth…
Michigan Launches $10M Grant Program to Track COVID-19 in Wastewater
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services have announced a $10 million grant program to support surveillance of wastewater…
Michigan Launches Sustainability Webinar Series
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Materials Management Division recently launched a sustainability webinar series to help interested parties achieve meaningful changes that benefit the environment,…
Michigan Uses StoryMaps to Spotlight Work to Combat Excess Lead Emissions
The Air Quality Division of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy (EGLE) is using the StoryMaps format to tell the story of its investigation into elevated lead…