This week, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) took to Twitter to invite questions from the public on sustainable shopping for the holidays. MDEQ hosted the Twitter chat in…
Michigan Hosts Volunteer Monitoring Conference
On November 2, Michigan Clean Water Corps will host the 12th annual Michigan Clean Water Corps conference featuring presentations from volunteers around the state, regional experts, and Michigan Department of…
Michigan Plans Flint Water Infrastructure Summit
On March 7 – 9, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and its co-sponsors, the City of Flint and State of Michigan, will host the 2017 Flint Water Infrastructure…
Michigan Receives Award for Sustainability Series Webinars
On October 19, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) was awarded the 2016 Most Valuable Pollution Prevention Award in the multimedia category by the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable for…
Michigan Also Takes Innovative Steps on Waste Management
A set of new proposals by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Solid Waste and Sustainability Advisory Panel (SWSAP) will amend – and make greener – Michigan’s solid waste laws.…
Michigan Rolls Out New Online Resource for Flint Residents
Residents of Flint, Michigan have a new tool for finding important updates, locations for clean water resources, and more – all online. The State of Michigan’s Taking Action on Flint…
Michigan Rolls Out Phase One of Plan to Protect, Manage, and Enhance Water
Michigan’s Water Strategy, released by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Office of the Great Lakes, is a 30-year plan to promote stewardship, community engagement, and protection and preservation…
9-12 Summary of State Responses to SCOTUS Clean Power Plan Stay
This document is a summary of State responses to Clean Power Plan (CPP) Stay (as of 9/12/16). *Alaska, Vermont, and Hawaii, as well as the D.C., are exempt from the…
Michigan Offers Webinar Series on Sustainability
Toward achieving its goal of providing more direct assistance to its customers, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is hosting a series of sustainability webinars with its voluntary partners.…
Partners for Meeting State Research Needs
This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.