This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.
States Use EPA Software to Predict Water Quality at Beaches
To protect public health, beach managers need to continually assess the level of potentially harmful microbes (primarily bacteria) in the water. However, traditional, culture-based testing methods take a full 24…
Minnesota Works with EPA to Assess River Conditions
The St. Louis River is listed as a Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1987 and is the only AOC in Minnesota.…
Minnesota PCA Releases Performance Measures Dashboard
On March 16, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) released their 2016 Environmental and Performance Measures Dashboard. The dashboard tracks several relevant environmental and performance measures related to MPCA’s work…
Minnesota Governor’s Statewide Water Summit Engages All via Social Media
This weekend, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton will host his first Governor’s Water Summit to call attention to the challenges facing Minnesota’s water supplies in rural and urban areas of the…
Seventeen State Governors Commit to Clean Energy Accord
In an historic move, 17 state Governors this week signed the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future. Democratic and Republican signatories to the accord commit that their states will…
Minnesota Review Prompts Enhancements to Water Sampling Procedures
After evaluating certain practices related to the handling and transportation of water quality samples, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has taken swift action to strengthen its procedures. MDH is…