This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.
Chesapeake Bay States Access Information on Stormwater Management
The EPA-supported Center for Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management was established to conduct interdisciplinary research to understand and to influence how decisions are made at multiple spatial and jurisdictional scales…
States, EPA, and Others Partner to Establish Stream Monitoring Networks
EPA is working with states, tribes, river basin commissions, its regional offices and other entities to establish Regional Monitoring Networks (RMNs) for freshwater wadeable streams. The objectives of the RMNs…
States Use EPA Software to Predict Water Quality at Beaches
To protect public health, beach managers need to continually assess the level of potentially harmful microbes (primarily bacteria) in the water. However, traditional, culture-based testing methods take a full 24…
States Use Village Green to Monitor Air Quality and Improve Community Awareness
“The Village Green station is a helpful tool in educating the public, and particularly children, about the importance of air quality in our everyday lives,” said Oklahoma Department of Environmental…
Pennsylvania DEP Awards Contract to Remediate Abandoned Mine Site
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has awarded a $13.45 million competitively bid contract to Rosebud Mining Co. to remediate and reclaim a 62-acre abandoned mine site in the community of Ehrenfeld…
Environmental Stewardship Projects Earn Pennsylvania Governor’s Awards
On March 21, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced that 17 organizations involved in 14 projects from across the commonwealth will receive the prestigious Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence. These award…
Pennsylvania DEP GO-TIME Initiative Helps Contractors Bid on RFPs
On March 4, Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) launched the first phase of its new electronic bidding process for DEP construction contracts such as projects cleaning and plugging oil…
Pipeline Task Force Presents Recommendations to Pennsylvania Governor
In its report to Governor Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania’s Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force this week identified a dozen top recommendations, along with a broader set of 184 suggestions, to help Pennsylvania…
Seventeen State Governors Commit to Clean Energy Accord
In an historic move, 17 state Governors this week signed the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future. Democratic and Republican signatories to the accord commit that their states will…