Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam last week proclaimed October 8-14 Earth Science Week throughout the state. This year’s theme, Earth and Human Activity, was dedicated to exploring the relationship between human…
Tennessee Attains Compliance with Federal Particle Pollution Standards
On August 30, Tennessee announced that the entire state is now in compliance with federal air quality health standards for particle pollution, also known as particulate matter or PM2.5. U.S.…
ECOS Member Spotlight: Bob Martineau
Two Minutes with Bob Martineau, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation What’s your current job? I’m Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation. We serve as state…
Tennessee Digitizes Septic System Records for Public
As part of a statewide customer service enhancement plan, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has made all septic system records for two counties available online for the…
Green Report: ECOS Business Process Improvement Skills Exchange Program
This report summarizes the first round of a Business Process Improvement (BPI) mentoring program administered by ECOS’ Innovation and Productivity Committee. Kicked off in 2016, this program pairs BPI leaders…
ECOS Profiles Top Ten State Earth Day Activities
To mark Earth Day on April 22, ECOS requested information regarding how state agencies were celebrating. The association was impressed with the number and variety of original approaches reported via…
Tennessee Brownfields Program Successes Reported in Knoxville News Sentinel
Today, the Knoxville News Sentinel published an article spotlighting Brownfields program successes of the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC). Since the program’s inception in 1995, Tennessee has received…
Tennessee Offers Summer Energy Education Camps for Educators
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Office of Energy Programs is offering no-cost Energy Education Camps this summer. The three-day educational sessions will provide K-12 educators with information…
Tennessee Seeks Nominations for 2017 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards
The Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation is seeking nominations by March 31 for the 2017 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards. Presented annually, the awards are the most prestigious environmental and conservation…
Tennessee Awards Millions in Drinking Water Construction Loans
Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and Department of Environmental & Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau announced February 10 that one community and one utility district have been approved to receive more than…