On August 23, nine eastern states announced a landmark bipartisan agreement to slash greenhouse gas emissions across the region by 65 percent by 2030 and promote growth of the green…
ECOS Member Spotlight: Julie Moore
Two Minutes with Julie Moore, Secretary, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources How long have you been Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources? What’s your best experience thus…
Eleven States Sue U.S. EPA over Delay on Accidental Release Prevention Rules
On July 24, Attorneys General from 11 states (Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington) signed and filed a lawsuit that claims…
A Dozen States Express Concern to OMB over CPP Repeal
On July 14, the states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington sent a letter to White House Office of Management…
Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law and Organics Management
This May 31, 2017 SMM workgroup presentation by Cathy Jamieson of Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources detail’s the agency’s Universal Recycling Law and organics management. Watch Here
Several States Launch Climate Alliance in Wake of Paris Accord Withdrawal
In response to the announcement last week of a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord, several Governors have created a coalition to remain committed to the climate agreement. The U.S.…
Green Report: ECOS Business Process Improvement Skills Exchange Program
This report summarizes the first round of a Business Process Improvement (BPI) mentoring program administered by ECOS’ Innovation and Productivity Committee. Kicked off in 2016, this program pairs BPI leaders…
Vermont ANR Secretary Announces Statewide Listening Tour
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Secretary Julie Moore will host a listening tour this February and March to hear directly from “customers” about their experiences interacting with the agency.…
Vermont DEC Staff Members Honored by U.S. EPA Region I
Several Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) staff members were recognized in May at U.S. EPA’s New England regional 2016 Environmental Merit Awards ceremony held in Boston’s Fanuiel Hall. Honorees…
Partners for Meeting State Research Needs
This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.