Outlines actions achieved by the agency in the second year of the PFAS Strategic Roadmap.
Action Plans
EPA PFAS Three Year Progress Report
Outlines actions achieved by the agency in the third year of the PFAS Strategic Roadmap.
Federal Sustainability Plan
Directs federal agencies to prioritize the purchase of sustainable products and services including products without PFAS.
Washington PFAS Chemical Action Plan
Recommends actions to address PFAS in the enviornment and resulting human impacts.
ITRC PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document
This guidance document was designed to support state and federal environmental staff and other stakeholders in gaining a working knowledge of the current state of PFAS science and practice, and to summarize of the current understanding of all aspects of PFAS from a broad perspective
ASTSWMO PFAS Position Paper
This paper acknowledges the work Federal and State agencies have taken to date and recommends federal regulatory action, guidance development, and further research to address PFAS.
ECOS Resolution 21-1: Advancing Collaboration and Coordination on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
This resolution, adopted in late 2021, calls on federal agencies to take a number of specific actions and coordinate closely with state environmental agencies to better understand and mitigate the risks of PFAS.
EPA PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap outlines the agency’s approach and commitments to action for 2021-2024.
OLEM Environmental Justice Action Plan
This plan highlights projects, tools, and practices to be applied to various land pollution prevention and cleanup programs. These programs include Superfund, Brownfields, Emergency Response, Solid Waste Management, Corrective Actions under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and Underground Storage Tanks.