Reports on conversations among state regulators, wastewater utilities, solid waste organizations, and EPA on PFAS in municipal biosolids.
Biosolids and Land-Applied PFAS
Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for PFOA and PFOS
Reflect’s on EPA’s latest scientific understanding of potential risks to human health and the environment posed by PFOA and PFOS in sewage sludge/biosolids that is sland applied, surface disposed, or…
NEWMOA PFAS Webinar Series
Presents recorded webinars on a number of PFAS topics such as historical uses, forensics, sources, risk communication, wastewater treatment, thermal treatment technologies, federal regulations, PFAS in ski wax, agricultural impacts,…
EPA Best Management Practices for Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge
Outlines wastewater treatment lagoon requirements for land application under 40 C.F.R. Part 503.
Maine Evaluation of Biosolids Management in Maine and Recommendations for the Future
This report looks at current and future issues impacting biosolids in Maine.
ITRC Fact Sheet: Biosolids and PFAS
This fact sheet summarizes the emerging technical information about risk and management for biosolids impacted by PFAS.