Reports national estimates of PFAS occurrence in untreated groundwater that supplies water to public and private wells (e.g., drinking water sources) to help the public, water suppiers, and regulators understand…
Drinking Water
Western States Water Council PFAS Roundtable Summary
Summarizes the discussion of the January 18, 2023 states-only roundtable discussion on PFAS challenges and opportunities for coordination and policy resolution.
DOD Memo on Prioritizing Cleanup Actions to Implement MCLs
Describes DOD’s plans to incorporate the federal drinking water rule into the agency’s ongoing PFAS cleanups and prioritize actions to address private drinking water wells with the highest levels of…
Missouri PFAS Viewer
Identifies the geographic location of voluntary sampling for PFAS in public drinking water systems in Missouri.
Hawaii’s PFAS Environmental Hazard Evaluation and Environmental Action Levels Guidance
Provides regulatory and scientific information on the state’s PFAS hazard evaluation and environmental action levels, which are used in decision making through the hazard evluation process.
Final PFAS NPDWR & Supporting Fact Sheets
Provides links to the final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (e.g., MCLs) and supporting materials, including fact sheets and technical information.
California GeoTracker PFAS Map
Interactive map of sampling points, drinking water well data, and other locations of PFAS sampling and investigative orders.
ASDWA PFAS – Source Water Protection Guide and Toolkit
Shares effective strategies for addressing PFAS contamination risk in source waters that will help inform policy decisions, assist state drinking water programs in protecting public health, and encourage collaboration and…
U.S. EPA Amended BABA Public Interest Waiver
Amended Public Interest Waiver of Section 70914(a) of P.L. 117-58, Build America, BuyAmerica Act, 2021 for State Revolving Fund and Water Infrastructure Projects thatInitiated Design Planning prior to May 14,…
DOD PFAS Task Force Policies
These policies ensure consistency across the DoD Components and help DoD track its PFAS cleanup progress and investments.