Presents recorded webinars on a number of PFAS topics such as historical uses, forensics, sources, risk communication, wastewater treatment, thermal treatment technologies, federal regulations, PFAS in ski wax, agricultural impacts,…
Interim Guidance on Destroying and Disposing of Certain PFAS and PFAS-Containing Materials that are not Consumer Products
Identifies available, effective methods to remediate, dispose of, and destroy PFAS; Updates 2020 guidance, open to 180 day public comment.
Michigan Evaluation of PFAS in Influent, Effluent, and Residuals of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Provides information on the state’s Industrial Pretreatment Program and its assessment of PFAS at 42 WWTPs.
Michigan Industrial Pretreatment Program PFAS Initiative
Reports on idetnfiied industrial sources of PFOS to municipal wastewater treatment plants in the state.
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Report on Current PFAS Research
This report summarizes the current research on PFAS, including potential safer alternatives, removal and disposal strategies, and current gaps in research.
DOD PFAS Task Force Policies
These policies ensure consistency across the DoD Components and help DoD track its PFAS cleanup progress and investments.
ITRC Treatment Technologies
This fact sheet provides an overview of the development and implementation of PFAS treatment technologies.