Through Twitter, CalRecycle inspires Californians to achieve the highest waste reduction and recycling goals in the nation. Watch this video to find out why recycling contamination is a major problem…
Sustainability & Materials Management
For Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Workgroup resources, see here.
For Materials Leadership Council and Materials Marketplace resources, see here.
DC Has River Cleanup in the ‘Bag’
In 2009, the District of Columbia passed the Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act, which required businesses in the District to charge a $0.05 fee on single-use plastic bags. The…
Mississippi Spotlights Waste Tire Program
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality has awarded Hancock County a $50,000 two-year waste tire grant to continue the local waste tire collection program for small quantity generators of waste…
Connecticut Governor Signs Executive Order on Greening State Agencies
On April 24, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed an executive order directing state office buildings and vehicle fleets to become greener and more energy efficient. The initiative is designed to…
New Hampshire Kicks Off Four Coastal Climate Resilience Projects
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Coastal Program has kicked off four new grant projects, mobilizing more than $317,000 to enhance New Hampshire’s coastal resilience to current and…
Washington Takes Action to Support Orca and Salmon Recovery
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee on May 8 signed five bills to promote salmon recovery and protect the safety and livelihood of the Southern Resident orca. The bills direct the…
ECOS Comments on FY20-21 EPA National Program Guidance
This letter and corresponding document contain ECOS’ comments on U.S. EPA’s draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 National Program Guidances (NPG) for the OAR, OCIR, OECA, OLEM, and OW program offices.
Maine Imposes Styrofoam Food-Container Ban
On April 30, Maine Governor Janet Mills signed LD 289, a bill that will ban polystyrene (styrofoam) disposal food-service containers in Maine beginning on January 1, 2020. The new law…
Florida Recycling Recognition Award
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) also got in on the celebration of Earth Day, with Secretary Noah Valenstein presenting a Recycling Recognition award to Sustainable Tallahassee, recognizing the…
Vermont Receives U.S. EPA Funding for Food Waste Management Projects
On April 9, EPA announced that the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation has been selected to receive more than $43,000 to purchase and install storage tanks and pipes and conduct…