This August 1, 2019 presentation on Maryland’s SMM activities and the state’s SM3 initiative was given to ECOS’ SMM Workgroup by Kaley Laleker (Maryland Department of Environment). View the presentation.
Land & Waste
ECOS Webinar on Tribal Waste Management Best Practices
On July 18, ECOS hosted a webinar to highlight best practices for managing solid waste on tribal and rural lands. A recording of the webinar is available here. Presentations included:…
California Offers Tips on Preventing Recycling Contamination
Through Twitter, CalRecycle inspires Californians to achieve the highest waste reduction and recycling goals in the nation. Watch this video to find out why recycling contamination is a major problem…
DC Has River Cleanup in the ‘Bag’
In 2009, the District of Columbia passed the Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act, which required businesses in the District to charge a $0.05 fee on single-use plastic bags. The…
Georgia Coal Ash Permit Program Gets Proposed Green Light from U.S. EPA, Other States Encouraged to Follow Suit
On June 24, U.S. EPA proposed to approve Georgia’s permit program for the disposal of coal combustion residuals – commonly known as coal ash – from certain coal-fired power plants.…
Wyoming Reports Progress in Missile Cleanup with Corps
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is reporting progress in its long-running cleanup with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Atlas “D” Missile Site 4. When the DEQ…
Mississippi Spotlights Waste Tire Program
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality has awarded Hancock County a $50,000 two-year waste tire grant to continue the local waste tire collection program for small quantity generators of waste…
Virginia DEQ Holds Trainings on EPA Hazardous Pharmaceuticals Rule
Beginning on May 30, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is holding a training mini-series to help healthcare facilities and other regulated entities understand their obligations under U.S. EPA’s…
Nebraska Publishes Flood Safety Dashboard
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) and the Nebraska Energy Office have developed a 2019 flood “dashboard” that provides summaries and updates of ongoing flood-related issues throughout the state.…
Oregon, City of Portland to provide $24M in Superfund Agreement with EPA
Last week, the state of Oregon and city of Portland reached a deal with U.S. EPA to provide up to $12M each to the Portland Harbor Superfund trust. This public…