This month, U.S. EPA recognized the Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West Partnering Team with the 2021 National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award. As part of the Base…
Federal Facilities
Wisconsin Features Interview with the Daughter of Earth Day Founder
In celebration of 50 years since the launch of Earth Day, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is featuring an interview with Tia Nelson, the daughter of the late Senator…
Wyoming Reports Progress in Missile Cleanup with Corps
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is reporting progress in its long-running cleanup with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Atlas “D” Missile Site 4. When the DEQ…
Letter to U.S. Department of Energy on Interpretation of High Level Waste Definition
ECOS sent this joint letter with the National Governors Association to provide input to the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) on the revised interpretation of the…
ECOS Memo on Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management Site Cleanup
The ECOS Federal Facilities Forum (FFF) created a document that outlines actions to accelerate cleanup of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) sites. The document presents…
ECOS and NGA Joint Letter to DOE Office of Environmental Management on High-Level Nuclear Waste
This joint letter, written by ECOS and the National Governors Association to the Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management, expresses state interest in discussions…
Elizabeth Dieck (SC) Testifies on Oversight of Federal Facility Cleanup under CERCLA
State environmental agencies play a critical role in the identification, oversight, and cleanup of contaminated federal facilities. While progress has been made, there is significant room for improvement in how…
Letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee on CERCLA Bills
This letter was written in support support of many of the concepts included in the “CERCLA Bills.” Specifically, ECOS supports the expansion of “consultation with states” and acknowledges that the bills directly…