With the new school year approaching, 11 schools in seven Pennsylvania counties are protecting students’ safety by improving management of laboratory chemicals in a 2017-18 Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign led…
Chemicals & Emerging Contaminants
California Sets Guidelines for PFOA and PFOS in Drinking Water
Last week, the California State Water Resources Control Board established new drinking water guidelines for local water agencies to follow in detecting and reporting the presence of contaminants perfluorooctanoic acid…
Case Studies on State-Level Risk Communication of PFAS and HABs
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and harmful algal blooms (HABs) are two priority contaminants that states struggle to communicate the risks of. Most state environmental and health agencies have oversight…
New York Launches Chemical Disclosure Program
On June 6, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation released its final policy and form for manufacturer disclosures under the Household Cleaning Product Information Disclosure Program. The program…
Washington Helps Local Communities Respond to Oil Spills
The Washington Department of Ecology announced this week the recipients of 25 equipment cache grants and four Coastal Protection Fund grants aimed to help local communities respond to and restore…
ECOS Statement on U.S. EPA PFAS Leadership Summit
This ECOS letter to U.S. EPA outlines questions states intend to raise at the agency’s National Leadership Summit to address Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Of upmost importance is the…
Letter to U.S. EPA on Prioritization of Mercury under TSCA
This letter details ECOS’ request for U.S. EPA to designate mercury and mercury compounds as priority chemicals under the Lautenberg Act.
ECOS Comments on Draft Guide for Access to TSCA CBI
These comments reflect state views on U.S. EPA’s draft guidance for access to TSCA Section 14(d)(4) Confidential Business Information.
Washington State Enacts Landmark Phaseout of Certain Perfluorinated Chemicals
Washington Governor Jay Inslee last week signed two bills to combat perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). The first will phase out the use of the chemicals, which are commonly used to make packaging…
New Hampshire Reaches Agreement with Industry on PFAS
This week, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) announced its agreement with Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics to permanently provide safe drinking water to more than 700 properties in the…