This issue paper is one in a series of papers being developed by the ECOS-DoD Sustainability Work Group’s Emerging Contaminants (EC) Task Group.
Chemicals & Emerging Contaminants
Emerging Contaminants Risk Communication Principles
This document is a product of the ECOS and Department of Defense Sustainability Work Group. The purpose of this document is to provide information and resources on the issues pertaining to…
2016 Spring Meeting Materials
Our 2016 Spring Meeting was held in Nashville, TN on April 10-13. Here you can find session materials, a registration list, and helpful links provided by the speakers.
Partners for Meeting State Research Needs
This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.
California Uses EPA Toxics Information and Tools to Evaluate Health Effects
California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control and Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment are collaborating with EPA ORD on the following projects: 1) using EPA ORD’s new technologies and computational…
NGA, ECOS, NCSL, ASTHO Urge Congress to Finalize TSCA Reform
Joint letter to congress with input on TSCA reform. This letter stresses the need to strengthen TSCA while still preserving the ability of states to act when chemicals present serious health and…
Washington’s Local Source Control Partnership – Local Pollution Prevention Focused on Small Business
Description of Initiative: What do mercury, flame retardants, and polychlorinated biphenyls have in common? All of these persistent chemicals, and many other toxics, have been detected in Washington State’s waterways.…
NCSL & ECOS Letter to Senate on Toxic Substances Control Act
This joint letter (NCSL and ECOS) reiterates the appreciation for changes that have been made to previous versions of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (S.…
Letter with NCSL on TSCA Reform
This joint letter (ECOS and NCSL) reiterates the support of the Committee members efforts to acknowledge and preserve states laws and regulations of harmful chemicals in the absence of federal…
ECOS Key Issues and Comments on Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Reform
The document includes a table that analyzes the bill adopted by the House on June 23, 2015, The TSCA Modernization Act of 2015, and the bill adopted by the…