On November 16, ECOS submitted a letter to the Federal Register in response to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Proposal To Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits (NWP). The…
South Dakota Launches Lead Testing and Mitigation Reimbursement Efforts
Last week, the South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources announced a program in partnership with the state Department of Social Services to provide lead testing for licensed childcare…
Oregon Blog Offers Powerful Story of Recent Wildfire Cleanup
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Air, Land, and Water blog recently featured a thoughtful narrative about events surrounding the recent Almeda Fire in the Bear Creek Valley in…
Connecticut Pioneers Method to Monitor Stream Connectivity
The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) has successfully deployed trail cameras to monitor stream levels in the state, offering proof-of-concept for a cost-effective method that will help…
Michigan Sees Promising PFAS Reduction in Huron River
New monitoring data from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy show a steep decline in PFAS levels in the Huron River watershed. The reduced contamination appears to…
Tennessee Illustrates the Value of Water through Story Map
On October 20, the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) released an online StoryMap to tell the state’s story on water infrastructure as part of the nationwide Imagine a…
ECOS Letter to U.S. EPA’s Office of Water on National Program Guidance
These comments from ECOS express appreciation to U.S. EPA’s OW for holding an early engagement call with states and share input on the development of OW’s priorities under the FY…
Massachusetts Finalizes Maximum Contaminant Level for Six PFAS
On September 24, Massachusetts announced its finalized enforceable standards for PFAS in drinking water. The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is set at 20 parts per trillion for the sum of…
Virginia Offers Helpful Tips for #SepticSmart Week
Last week, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ) provided informative tips for septic system owners via its Twitter account and other outlets. This was part of the sixth…
Michigan Launches $10M Grant Program to Track COVID-19 in Wastewater
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services have announced a $10 million grant program to support surveillance of wastewater…