The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Beach Monitoring Program has been busy since June investigating the presence of a blue-green Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) in the nearshore waters off the…
New Mexico Files Injunction Against Air Force on PFAS
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) and the state’s Attorney General have filed in federal court a preliminary injunction against the Air Force to compel it to address PFAS contamination.…
New York Proposes Strict PFAS Standards
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that the state will move forward on its Drinking Water Council’s recommendations to propose standards for PFOA and PFOS at 10 parts per…
New Hampshire Issues Final Proposal for Four PFAS Standards
On July 18, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) adopted the strictest enforceable drinking water and groundwater quality standards for PFAS in the nation, finalizing the requirements at…
ECOS Drinking Water Financing Green Report & Webinar
This ECOS green report highlights states’ efforts to effectively leverage different drinking water financing resources, while building the capacity of state programs and public water systems, assisting small systems in…
DC Has River Cleanup in the ‘Bag’
In 2009, the District of Columbia passed the Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act, which required businesses in the District to charge a $0.05 fee on single-use plastic bags. The…
Northeastern States Recommend PFAS Policy Solutions to Congress
On June 10, seven northeastern states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont) sent a letter to key Members of Congress recommending that the federal government…
New York Announces Funding for Communities Impacted by Flooding
This week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hosted the first meeting of community leaders and the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI), where he announced up to $300…
Louisiana Showcases Innovations at Gulf Hypoxia Summit
Last month, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality participated in a biannual meeting of the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force in Baton Rouge. The hypoxic, or low-dissolved oxygen,…
Citizen Scientists Monitor DC Waterways
Partnerships are the DC Department of Energy and the Environment’s (DOEE) key to achieving improvements in water quality in the nation’s capital. For Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week, DOEE is highlighting…