This letter and corresponding document contain ECOS’ comments on U.S. EPA’s draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 National Program Guidances (NPG) for the OAR, OCIR, OECA, OLEM, and OW program offices.
New York Announces Funding to Promote Resiliency and Protect Water Quality
This week, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos announced the availability of $350,000 in competitive grant funding to help communities in the Hudson River Estuary watershed…
Vermont Receives U.S. EPA Funding for Food Waste Management Projects
On April 9, EPA announced that the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation has been selected to receive more than $43,000 to purchase and install storage tanks and pipes and conduct…
ECOS Drinking Water Financing Webinar
This April 17 webinar highlighted three states’ innovative programs that are assisting small water systems finance drinking water infrastructure projects. The webinar can be viewed here. Presentations include: Connecticut Small…
Texas Releases Story Map Tool for Fire Data
This week, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and U.S. EPA announced a new interactive story map tool to keep the public informed about response activities surrounding the Intercontinental…
Iowa Funds Innovative Regional and Local Clean Water Education Campaigns
Iowa groups looking for help implementing innovative, regional, and locally led Clean Water Awareness and Education Campaigns can apply for funding from the Iowa DNR Watershed Improvement Section. Through a…
Florida DEP Partners with 4ocean on Coastal Cleanup
Earlier this month, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Park Service partnered with 4ocean for a coastal cleanup event at Bahia Honda State Park. Nearly 500 volunteers participated, resulting…
Pennsylvania Addresses Water System Infrastructure Needs with New Plan
This week, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Patrick McDonnell addressed the critical need to improve drinking water systems across the state and highlighted how the Wolf Administration’s Restore Pennsylvania plan…
Joint Association Letter to House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee on CWSRF Reauthorization
ECOS and the Association of Clean Water Administrators submitted a joint letter to the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to support efforts to…
U.S. EPA Approves Ohio Request to Ease Fish Consumption Restrictions
Confirming findings of continued improvements to local water quality, U.S. EPA has agreed with Ohio EPA’s 2018 recommendation to ease restrictions on fish consumption in the Cuyahoga River. Any remaining…