This is ECOS’ second green report highlighting state innovations in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The twelve case studies included in this report demonstrate the flexible nature of the…
Michigan DEQ Gets Name Change and New Marching Orders
On February 4, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed two executive orders and an executive directive to protect the Great Lakes, clean up drinking water, and combat the impacts of climate…
Massachusetts, Vermont Propose Stringent PFAS Standards
Massachusetts and Vermont are the most recent states to propose stringent standards to regulate PFAS. Last week, in response to a petition from the Conservation Law Foundation and the Toxics…
New Hampshire Proposes New PFAS Drinking Water Standards
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) recently initiated a rulemaking to establish maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and ambient groundwater quality standards (AGQS) for four PFAS substances. The proposed…
Pennsylvania to Invest in Two Stream Improvement Projects
The Pennsylvania Wolf Administration has announced two grant awards totaling more than a million dollars that will reduce stormwater runoff pollution, restore stream banks, and improve water quality in York…
New Hampshire Awards $4.2 Million in Wetlands Protection Grants
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Aquatic Resource Mitigation Program has awarded $4.2 million for 26 projects to protect wetlands. The projects will help to restore wetland habitat and…
Maine Provides Funding for Wetlands and Other Conservation Projects
Maine’s Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has awarded approximately $1.5 million to nine projects to restore, enhance, or protect wetlands and other important…
Utah’s Matheson Takes to Twitter to Spread Positive Holiday Message
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is sharing its spin on the classic tale ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, with DEQ Executive Director Alan Matheson Director delivering a holiday…
Iowa Installs Stream Crossing Signs to Highlight Source Waters, Promote Stewardship
New signs along stream crossings are helping Iowans learn which waters flow into their local lakes. Near Lake Geode in Des Moines County, for instance, new signs along Cedar Creek…
Tennessee Governor Unveils Statewide Water Availability Plan
This week, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam joined Deputy to the Governor Jim Henry and Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Shari Meghreblian to unveil the state’s water availability plan. It…