Poster on EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox for Citizen Scientists: A Resource for Air Quality Monitoring and Mapping
Poster about CADDIS: Helping States and Tribes Identify Targets for Management Action
Summary of 2014 State Research Needs Survey
This document provides a summary of the states’ response to the 2014 research needs survey conducted by ERIS.
EPA Response to State Research Needs, March 2014
Document describing EPA Office of Research and Development’s activities related to state research needs identified in 2013 survey of states.
Identification and Selection of Toxicity Values/Criteria for CERCLA and Hazardous Waste Site Risk Assessments in the Absence of IRIS Values
The ECOS-DoD Sustainability Work Group’s Emerging Contaminants Task Group prepared this paper based on discussions held at the February 2006 Work Group meeting that identified the selection of toxicity values/criteria…