When it comes to managing rivers for water quantity, the key question is, “How much is too little?” This is a particularly vexing issue given the dynamic nature of both…
Missouri’s Lincoln University Wetland Restoration Project
Wetlands play an important role in water quality and filtration, aquifer recharge, flood control, phytoremediation, and biodiversity. To demonstrate the benefits of wetlands, Lincoln University (LU) has restored a 12-acre…
New Hampshire’s Salt Applicator Certification Program
Nearly a decade ago, during the initiation of the Interstate 93 widening project in New Hampshire, the state Department of Transportation conducted an environmental impact study, which identified four watersheds…
Virginia’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program
Virginia has approximately one million acres of wetlands. An estimated 75 percent of these acres are palustrine vegetated wetlands, and the remaining 25 percent are estuarine wetlands. Virginia is believed…
District of Columbia’s Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Market
Managing stormwater runoff is a challenge for cities nationwide. When it rains in urban areas such as the District of Columbia, stormwater runs off rooftops, parking lots, and other impervious…
ECOS, ACWA & ASWM Letter to USACE on Assumable Waters and Clean Water Act Section 404
This letter, jointly written by ECOS, the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) and the Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM), notes the associations’ concern over the U.S. Army Corps of…
District of Columbia Maps Lead Pipes
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) recently released an app that maps historic data for the public portion of the water service line from plumbing records,…
Mississippi Convenes Delta Water Conservation Summit
The Mississippi Governor’s Delta Sustainable Water Resources Task Force this month will host an Irrigation and Water Conservation summit aimed at educating participants on ways to increase profit margins while…
Pennsylvania Interactive Map Eases MS4 Permit Process for Local Governments
On November 21, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced a new geospatial information system (GIS) mapping website to help local governments and other entities pursuing permits for municipal…
Press Statement on U.S. EPA Drinking Water Action Plan Release
In this press statement, ECOS welcomes the release of the Drinking Water Action Plan that identifies critical areas in which time, attention, and collective action are needed to ensure that…