ECOS’ statement on U.S. EPA’s new drinking water health advisories for the chemicals PFOA and PFOS, which were released May 19, 2016.
States Mark National Drinking Water Week
As they have for Air Quality Awareness week, states are promoting National Drinking Water Week in several ways. Governor Pence of Indiana declared this week State Drinking Water Week with…
Virginia DEQ Partners with Local Government on Water Quality
Virginia DEQ recently partnered with the City of Waynesboro Public Works Department on a water quality improvement project that began construction last week. The project plans include planting wetland grasses,…
Oregon’s Riparian Shade Pilot Program
To address future pollutant-discharge requirements and potential temperature exceedances, the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission—a regional wastewater entity in Eugene/Springfield, Oregon—launched a pilot program to demonstrate the viability and cost-effectiveness of…
New York’s Storm Mitigation Loan Program
New York State’s Storm Mitigation Loan Program (SMLP) was created in 2014 to assist local governments in strengthening long-term resilience for wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities in areas impacted…
New York’s Green Innovation Grant Program and the Upper Susquehanna
Under its CWSRF Program, the New York Environmental Facilities Corporation has created a Green Innovation Grant Program to encourage the use of green infrastructure. One project under this program has…
New Jersey Green and Grey Infrastructure Project
Camden City (population 80,000), one of the most economically distressed cities in the US, had a combined sewer system that was in a serious state of disrepair, creating serious human…
Montana’s Paradigm Shift: Re-Engineering WWTP Operations to Reduce Nutrients without Capital Expenditures
Montana trains wastewater treatment plant operators to operate their facilities differently than originally designed, facilitating the removal of nutrients. Through this targeted education and some additional on-site, site-specific assistance, wastewater…
Maryland SRF Supports Wind Turbine at WWTP
Crisfield, Maryland, a small, economically-disadvantaged city on the Maryland’s Eastern Shore, is combining CWSRF and other funding to design and construct a wind turbine at their wastewater treatment plant. The…
Louisiana’s Wastewater Reuse Project
The City of West Monroe used CWSRF funding to upgrade an existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). As a result of this water efficiency project, the facility now treats wastewater to…