The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Finance Authority have developed clean water state revolving fund-linked deposit loan programs for manure management and soil erosion control. Working with…
Georgia’s Toilet Rebate Program
Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority (DDCWSA) received a $300,000 commitment to offer a rebate program to replace inefficient toilets that use more than 1.6 gallons per flush and exist…
Bundling and Fast-Tracking High Priority Projects in West County Wastewater District, California
The West County Wastewater District obtained a low-interest, 20-year loan agreement in June 2014 with Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) for approximately $18 million dollars at an interest rate…
Minnesota Kicks off Statewide Safe Water Efforts
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Commissioner John Linc Stine shared the stage with Governor Mark Dayton at an event promoting Water Action Week, an initiative calling on Minnesotans to take specific…
States Weigh In On FY17 Water Funding Needs
Combined letters to both House and Senate Committees on FY 17 Appropriations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Water Programs.
2016 Spring Meeting Materials
Our 2016 Spring Meeting was held in Nashville, TN on April 10-13. Here you can find session materials, a registration list, and helpful links provided by the speakers.
Partners for Meeting State Research Needs
This document provides brief examples of states using EPA research and resources through the Office of Research and Development to address environmental concerns.
Chesapeake Bay States Access Information on Stormwater Management
The EPA-supported Center for Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management was established to conduct interdisciplinary research to understand and to influence how decisions are made at multiple spatial and jurisdictional scales…
States, EPA, and Others Partner to Establish Stream Monitoring Networks
EPA is working with states, tribes, river basin commissions, its regional offices and other entities to establish Regional Monitoring Networks (RMNs) for freshwater wadeable streams. The objectives of the RMNs…
States Use EPA Software to Predict Water Quality at Beaches
To protect public health, beach managers need to continually assess the level of potentially harmful microbes (primarily bacteria) in the water. However, traditional, culture-based testing methods take a full 24…