Riparian ecosystems and their streams are critically important locations for sustaining a healthy balance of nutrients—primarily carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)—across watersheds and far downstream. Vegetated riparian areas…
To Address Nitrates, Oregon and EPA Partner on BMPs for Agriculture
The state of Oregon has designated a Groundwater Management Area (GWMA) in the southern Willamette Valley of Oregon because of high nitrate levels in many domestic wells. EPA ORD scientists…
Ohio and EPA Partner to Manage Algal Toxins in Drinking Water
Increasingly, drinking water treatment plants are challenged by changes in the quality of their source waters and by their aging treatment and distribution infrastructure. Individually or in combination, factors such…
Ohio Partners with EPA to Assist Small Drinking Water Systems
Because they have fewer resources than larger systems, small systems face enormous challenges in consistently providing safe and reliable drinking water. To help address this issue, EPA ORD and EPA…
Minnesota Works with EPA to Assess River Conditions
The St. Louis River is listed as a Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1987 and is the only AOC in Minnesota.…
Hawaii Partners with EPA on Coral Climate Adaptation Effort
The West Maui Ridge to Reef (R2R) initiative, founded by Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources, addresses adverse impacts to coral reefs in West Maui. It takes a comprehensive,…
Wisconsin DNR Issues Draft Permits and Study on Non-Metallic Mining
Wisconsin has released for public comment two new draft permits on non-metallic mining. Under the Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System (WPDES), the draft permits are intended to eliminate significant environmental…
Wyoming DEQ Designates a “Know Your Well Day”
Here’s a good way to raise the visibility of the importance of protecting groundwater. With more than 70 percent of Wyoming’s population relying on groundwater for all or part of…
District of Columbia DOEE Announces Major Tree Planting Initiative
The District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) recently announced the Canopy 3,000 and Schoolyard and Parkland Tree Planting Grants, which will provide nearly $750,000 in funding for…
Minnesota Governor’s Statewide Water Summit Engages All via Social Media
This weekend, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton will host his first Governor’s Water Summit to call attention to the challenges facing Minnesota’s water supplies in rural and urban areas of the…