Seeking to boost understanding of air quality permits and reporting forms, the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Compliance Assistance next month will offer a free Air Compliance…
Compliance & Enforcement
Wyoming Opens Lines of Communication on ‘Open Air’ Tool
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recently launched Open Air, which provides the public with access to data and information on facilities with permits from the Air Quality Division.…
Alabama Holds Regulatory Seminars for Sand and Gravel Sector
This week, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management held two free regulatory seminars for sand and gravel permittees, operators, and consultants. The trainings were aimed at educating interested parties about…
ECOS and U.S. EPA Compliance Research Webinars
EPA’s National Enforcement Training Institute (NETI) and ECOS co-hosted the 2017-2018 compliance research webinar series. These webinars were designed for EPA and state environmental agencies to help program administrators understand…
North Dakota and U.S. EPA Sign MOA on State’s Self-Audit Law
On October 7, the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) and U.S. EPA entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to establish procedures and policies for administration of the state’s…
Rhode Island Leads the Way In Adopting U.S. EPA NeT Tool For a State-Issued Permit
Like many states, Rhode Island found itself grappling with how to meet the requirements of EPA’s 2015 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule. Under the rule, permittees…
Pennsylvania’s Interactive O&G Annual Report Shows Permitting and Inspection Improvements
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) this week released its 2018 Oil and Gas Annual Report. The interactive, multimedia report details increased efficiency in the permit application and review…
ECOS Comments on U.S. EPA’s OECA Policy for Enhancing Federal-State Planning and Communication
This letter details ECOS’ comments on the U.S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance’s (OECA) April 2019 draft policy on “Enhancing Planning and Communication Between the EPA and the…
ECOS Comments on FY20-21 EPA National Program Guidance
This letter and corresponding document contain ECOS’ comments on U.S. EPA’s draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 National Program Guidances (NPG) for the OAR, OCIR, OECA, OLEM, and OW program offices.