To build community awareness and knowledge about their work, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s Division of Spill Prevention and Response is holding an open house at their spill prevention…
Press Release on ECOS Member Letter to Congress on Water Infrastructure Funding
In this press release, ECOS details the Congressional letter in which 45 state and territorial environmental agencies called on Congress to restore funding for – and fully appropriate – the…
ECOS Member Letter to Congress on Water Infrastructure Funding
In this letter, ECOS members urge Congress to fully authorize funding for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs). The SRFs are two of the nation’s most…
Resolution 10-5: Improving Cooperative Management of Programs to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution
In this resolution, ECOS states that the federal government should work with states to align federal programs with state water quality priorities; supports continued collaboration between states and EPA’s 319…
State Innovation Video 2023: Indiana Stream Monitoring Program
Coalition Letter to Congressional Leaders on FY2024 Earmarks and State Revolving Funds (SRF)
A coalition letter to Congress asking them fund 2024 SRFs to the maximum authorization in federal law, $3 billion each, for fiscal year 2024.
New York Aids in Vermont Flooding Recovery and Fighting Idaho, Montana Wildfires
This month, New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is deploying forest rangers to assist with efforts to contain wildfires in Idaho and Montana. The interstate assistance comes as a…