Oregon DEQ is partnering with the Oregon Concrete and Aggregates Producer Association (OCAPA) to help concrete businesses measure and disclose the environmental impacts of their concrete mixes using Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs). EPDs are third-party-verified product labels that can be used by purchasers to choose lower impact products and by companies to prioritize environmental improvements. Through this program, DEQ provides free access to a web-based EPD tool, limited technical assistance directly to businesses, and a reimbursement incentive. DEQ expects the first concrete EPDs from an Oregon business by Spring 2018.
How was the Project Started?
The initiative stems from a research project that identified the opportunities and barriers to using Life Cycle Assessments to assist businesses in Oregon.
When was the Project Started?
April 2016
When was the Project Completed, or is it Ongoing?
What are the Results to Date?
The project provided educational opportunities (conferences, events, meetings) to explain the value and purpose of EPDs. Two companies signed up for program and the first set of verified EPDs was awarded in late April 2018. An additional concrete producer has secured a summer intern to develop concrete EPDs.
What are the Resources Needed, including Time, Cost, Etc.?
DEQ signed a $85K contract with concrete industry association. The agency pays annual fees of ~$6K to maintain access to the web-based EPD tool. Staff time varies based on program activity but it does involve an attentive and responsive staff member who is good at relationship building.
Other Comments
There are current market-driven incentives for EPDs through the LEEDv4 green building rating system.
Contact Information
- Jordan Palmeri
- Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality
- Senior Policy Analyst
- palmeri.jordan@deq.state.or.us
- 503-229-6766